So I knew it would happen, the other shoe would drop. It always does. It seems like every time I make progress toward getting healthy, something happens that derails me. I get injured so I can't work out, I get sick, I need surgery, blah blah blah.
Yesterday, the shoe dropped. I went to the doctor because I was having abdominal pain and bloating and a lot of pressure and, not to over share, but nothing was doing what it was supposed to be doing, if you get my drift. She sent me for a CT scan and then called me with the most devastating news I have gotten in a long time. My diverticulitis is back.
Three years ago, I was first diagnosed. I had an attack in October, another in January that landed me in the hospital and then another shortly there after which got me referred to a surgeon whom I now call Dr. Moron. I call him this because not only did he reschedule my surgery for March 17 (Yes, Kelly O'Reilly's surgery for St. Patrick's Day/My sister's birthday) because of "scheduling conflicts (i.e. golf outing out of town I'm sure), but he also told me that I had a less than 5% chance of a re-occurrence. Well guess what? I've now beaten the odds on many things in life. I got a bum gall bladder, been hit by a car, was the youngest patient my gastroenterologist ever had with diverticulitis and now it's back. Maybe I should start playing the lottery...
So anyway, I was toying with the idea of doing a juice fast for a few days anyway so I figured this would be the perfect time. Last time, my Dr. told me "Clear liquids for 48 hours." This time, she said I could make juice as long as I strained it well.
Today was day one. Also day one of the gross antibiotics that have the following side effects:
appetite loss, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, metallic taste, nausea, stomach upset, vomiting. Yay. The metallic taste is the worst. It makes food taste bad and nothing helps - except sucking on Werther's caramels but they have milk in them and will probably upset things again (see Off the Wagon Post).
I spent today on my couch, drinking juice and feeling sorry for myself. Hopefully I will just need one more day home to rest up and get the antibiotics working enough that the pain subsides so I can go back to work. I do miss the little buggers...
Here is what I made and what I thought of it. No pictures because that took more effort than I felt I wanted to put into anything. Except sitting.
3 handfuls spinach
1 cucumber
2 carrots
2 green apples
2 stalks celery
Not bad, but not awesome. I could drink it again. This is an untainted review as I took my first dose of meds with it so the metallic taste hadn't started yet.
4 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 green apple
1 cucumber
1 half inch slice of a beet
2 plum (Roma) tomatoes (seeded of course)
Eh, probably would have been better with less celery. I think 4 was too much with only 1 apple to balance the peppery flavor. Slight metallic taste at this point in the day...
2 stalks celery
1 cup cantaloupe cubes
2 carrots
1 half inch slice of a beet
1/2 cup pineapple chunks (fresh)
Definitely won't be mixing cantaloupe and celery again. I was pretty sure this was a bad idea from the start, but I'm trying to use the fruits and veggies that I so lovingly prepped on Sunday for the week. Since I can't eat them straight, (fiber = bad during flare up) I need to juice them.
I have a follow up appointment with my doctor tomorrow - fingers crossed...